Are you struggling to pay your mortgage or already behind on your payments? There is help available!
Join us for a virtual discussion to learn more about your mortgage relief options, available assistance programs, alternatives to foreclosure, and the foreclosure process and timeline as it applies to the state of Maryland. You will also be able to meet with a HUD-Certified Housing Counselor to help you through the process and assist with applications.
Please note this session is intended for Maryland homeowners only. If you want to learn more about your options in DC or VA, please contact [email protected] or call 202-540-7401.
Fuerza Latina - Hispanic Heritage Month
Join us on Thursday, September 26th, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the iconic Hard Rock Cafe (999 E St NW, Washington, DC 20004) for an empowering evening celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Fuerza Latina, is dedicated to recognizing the rich cultural contributions and economic empowerment within the Hispanic community. It's an opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired by the resilience and strength that define our heritage.
- Arrival and Check-In (6:30 PM): Upon arrival, check in at the welcome desk to receive your event materials and name badge.
- Guest Speaker (7:00 PM): Our featured guest speaker will share his inspiring journey of economic empowerment, highlighting the challenges and triumphs rooted in the Hispanic community.
- Panel Discussion (7:30 PM): Engage with a dynamic panel of local leaders as they delve into the barriers and opportunities facing the Hispanic community, exploring actionable steps for the path forward.
- Closing Remarks and Networking (8:00 PM): Conclude the evening with closing remarks, followed by relaxed networking over a complimentary drink, where you can connect with fellow attendees and discuss the evening's highlights.
Come celebrate our collective strength, network with fellow professionals, and be part of a conversation that drives change. We look forward to seeing you there!
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Register Here!
Are You Ready to Start Your Business?
Are you considering starting your own business but unsure if you're fully prepared? This workshop will guide you through essential steps such as evaluating your business idea, understanding the entrepreneurial mindset, and creating a solid financial plan. Learn how to assess your readiness, explore potential opportunities and challenges, and develop a clear action plan to transform your idea into a successful venture. Join us to gain the confidence and knowledge needed to take the next steps toward your entrepreneurial goals.
Fuerza Latina - Networking Event
Join us on Thursday, September 26th, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the iconic Hard Rock Cafe (999 E St NW, Washington, DC 20004) for an empowering evening celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Fuerza Latina, is dedicated to recognizing the rich cultural contributions and economic empowerment within the Hispanic community. It's an opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired by the resilience and strength that define our heritage.
- Arrival and Check-In (6:30 PM): Upon arrival, check in at the welcome desk to receive your event materials and name badge.
- Guest Speaker (7:00 PM): Our featured guest speaker will share his inspiring journey of economic empowerment, highlighting the challenges and triumphs rooted in the Hispanic community.
- Panel Discussion (7:30 PM): Engage with a dynamic panel of local leaders as they delve into the barriers and opportunities facing the Hispanic community, exploring actionable steps for the path forward.
- Closing Remarks and Networking (8:00 PM): Conclude the evening with closing remarks, followed by relaxed networking over a complimentary drink, where you can connect with fellow attendees and discuss the evening's highlights.
Come celebrate our collective strength, network with fellow professionals, and be part of a conversation that drives change. We look forward to seeing you there!
¡Adelante! Fuerza Latina
Registrese Aqui
Únete al Centro de Desarrollo Económico Latino (LEDC) en nuestro evento del Mes de la Herencia Hispana 2024. Este evento destacará las competencias y complejidades culturales que enfrentan los propietarios de pequeñas empresas en Baltimore. Los asistentes escucharán a la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas y a funcionarios públicos clave sobre los problemas que afectan al ecosistema de pequeñas empresas en Maryland. Los propietarios de negocios tendrán acceso a recursos, perspectivas, tendencias y apoyo técnico. Como seguimiento, el Director de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas de LEDC dirigirá un panel con dos propietarios de negocios que compartirán cómo lograron alcanzar y mantener una mentalidad emprendedora. Al final de la presentación, habrá una oportunidad para que los asistentes se conecten y conozcan recursos clave de la comunidad.
¡Te invitamos a unirte al Centro de Desarrollo Económico Latino para nuestro Evento del Mes de la Herencia Hispana 2024! Este año, exploraremos las competencias culturales y los desafíos que enfrentan los dueños de pequeñas empresas en Baltimore.
Qué Esperar:
· Explorar: Competencias culturales y desafíos que enfrentan los dueños de pequeñas empresas en Baltimore
· Ponentes Principales: Representantes de la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas y funcionarios estatales de Maryland compartirán actualizaciones importantes sobre el panorama de las pequeñas empresas en Maryland
· Mesa Redonda: El Director de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas del LEDC moderará un panel con dos dueños de negocios locales que compartirán sus experiencias en lograr y mantener una mentalidad emprendedora
· Oportunidad de Networking: Conéctate con otros asistentes y recursos clave de la comunidad
Register Here
Join The Latino Economic Development Center at our 2024 Hispanic Heritage Month Event. This event will highlight the cultural competencies and complexities that small business owners face in Baltimore. Attendees will hear from the Small Business Administration and key public officials about issues affecting the small business ecosystem in Maryland. Business owners will gain access to resources, insights, trends, and technical assistance support. As a follow up, LEDC’s Director of Small Business Development will host a panel showcasing two business owners who will identify how they were able to achieve and sustain an entrepreneurial mindset. At the end of the presentation, there will be an opportunity for attendees to network and hear about key community resources.
What to Expect:
· Networking Opportunity: Connect with fellow attendees and key community resources
· Explore: Cultural competencies and challenges faced by small business owners in Baltimore
· Access to Resources: Small business owners and entrepreneurs will learn about key resources and technical support
· Keynote Speakers: Representatives from the Small Business Administration and Maryland state officials will provide important updates on the small business landscape in Maryland
· Panel Discussion: LEDC’s Director of Small Business Development will moderate a panel with two local business owners sharing their experiences in achieving and sustaining an entrepreneurial mindset
6-hr Homebuyer Education Seminar: Baltimore City
To take this class please REGISTER by filling out the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/2Tf2MecYyCJyeU6d6
Interested in buying your first home in Baltimore City?
This class is provided in-person. You will receive instructions once completing the intake form.
In these workshops, you will learn how to navigate the process of buying a home in Maryland, including areas such as Baltimore City, and how to get a good mortgage. You will also learn how your credit history, personal budget, and personal finances may affect your future success. LEDC invites different experts including a loan officer, home inspector, real estate agent, and insurance agent to explain the different areas of the home-buying process.
This class meets the requirements of government and lender programs that require first-time homebuyer training.
By registering for this class you agree to participate.
The individual counseling session AFTER the class is a requirement to receive your homebuyer education certificate.
Virtual DC Homebuying Orientation
This workshop is the first step for DC Residents interested in purchasing their first home in the District. The orientation introduces the homebuying process and DC first-time homebuyer programs, such as: DC Open Doors, HPAP, EAHP, and NEAP. In DC, the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) provides up to $202,000 in down payment and $4,000 for closing costs assistance to DC residents. Attendees can find out what programs they qualify for and learn about next steps in the homebuying process.
If you are interested in applying to the HPAP, EAHP, or NEAHP programs, you must first take this orientation to get a counseling appointment:
Para tomar esta clase, por favor registrese completando el formulario en el siguiente enlace: https://forms.gle/kwxX3prgiTLEmgfP8
¿Pensando en comprar su primera casa pero no sabe si se puede?
Esta orientación, provee una introducción al proceso de comprar una casa y los programas para compradores de casa por primera vez en los condados de Montgomery y Prince George, MD. Los programas compartidos ofrecen asistencia financiera para los costos de cierre y el enganche dependiendo en su ingreso y el precio de la casa. Averigüe para cuanto puede calificar y sobre los próximos pasos en el proceso de comprar su casa. Tome este primer paso GRATIS en el camino a convertirse en propietario de su vivienda en MD.
¿Le gustaría comprar vivienda dentro de la Ciudad de Baltimore, pero no sabe por donde empezar?
Participe en esta charla virtual para aprender sobre:
- El proceso de compra de vivienda
- El costo del proceso
- Opciones de financiamiento y sus requisitos
- Programas de asistencia para primeros compradores en la Ciudad de Baltimore
- Como consejería de vivienda le puede ayudar con su proceso
Después de participar en la charla tendrá la oportunidad de programar una reunión para platicar sobre su crédito y finanzas o para prepararse para su compra.
Orientación Virtual Para Compradores de Vivienda en DC
Este taller es el primer paso para los residentes de DC interesados en comprar su primera casa en el Distrito. La orientación explica el proceso de compra de vivienda y los programas de asistencia para compradores de vivienda por primera vez de DC, tales como: DC Open Doors, HPAP, EAHP y NEAP. En DC, el Programa de Asistencia para la Compra de Vivienda (HPAP) proporciona hasta $ 202,000 en asistencia para el pago inicial y $4,000 para los costos de cierre a los residentes de DC. Los asistentes pueden averiguar para qué programas califican y conocer los próximos pasos en el proceso de compra de vivienda.
Si está interesado en solicitar los programas HPAP, EAHP o NEAHP, primero debe tomar esta orientación para obtener una cita de consejería: