DC Business Ecosystem Exploration

Thinking about starting a business?
Started a business but interested in connecting with more of the ecosystem of support?
DSLBD’s Inno.ED & our good friend LEDC Small Business Coach Nicole Andonie will cover a bird’s eye view of the landscape of support and resources in DC.
This session is free and open to the public. We will be at 202Creates' open coworking Tuesday. You can drop in any time that day to co-work, and DSLBD staff are on hand most Tuesdays from 10-2 to answer general business development questions.
This session is free and open to the public. We will be at 202Creates' open coworking Tuesday. You can drop in any time that day to co-work, and DSLBD staff are on hand most Tuesdays from 10-2 to answer general business development questions.
Click to register for FREE!
If you are ready to jump directly into one-on-one counseling, you might also be interested in support from the DC Small Business Development Center (DCSBDC) with a free counseling session or the DCRA Small Business Resource Center for help navigating the regulatory process.
Questions? Please feel free to reach out to Kate Mereand at [email protected].
July 16, 2019 at 1:00pm - 3pm
Kate Mereand