8th Tenant Town Hall
8th Annual Tenant Town Hall
Join with renters from across DC to fight for Tenant Rights and Affordable Housing! We will make our voices heard and get results!
Saturday May 2nd
12:00 to 3:00 PM
All Souls Unitarian Church
1500 Harvard Sr NW (at the corner of 16th St NW)
3 Blocks from the Columbia Heights Metro
S1, S2, S4 bus line.
12-1 PM: Refreshments. Time for tenants to speak with Council staff, DC housing agency representatives, legal service providers and non-profit organizations.
1-3 PM: Presentation of Tenant Priorities for 2015 and responses from elected officials and agency directors.
Interpretation provided in Spanish and Amharic.
This year the Tenant Town Hall will focus on strengthening rent control, supporting tenant purchase and the District Opportunity to Purchase Act, and ensuring that subsidized housing is preserved.
To request flyers for your tenant association, if you need childcare or interpretation in a language other than Spanish or Amharic please leave a message in the comments.
Click here to download the flyer: http://tinyurl.com/TenantTownHall2015
1500 Harvard St NW
Washington, DC 20009
United States
Google map and directions