In an effort to support Latinos and other underserved communities impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency, we have created a list of resources and key information for small businesses, homeowners, and renters located in Maryland, DC, Virginia, and Puerto Rico.
Office Hours:
LEDC will continue to provide digital service delivery until further notice. Our offices in DC, MD, VA, and Puerto Rico will remain physically closed. However, all staff will continue to serve clients digitally. Please find contact information for LEDC staff here: ledcmetro.org/team.
Please click the links below to get a full list of updates, information, and resources:
Small Business Resources
Homeowner and Renter Resources
Job Opportunities
*LEDC will be updating this page frequently as new information becomes available.
Small Business Resources
Federal Resources
- SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs): Small businesses in DC, Maryland, Virginia, and Puerto Rico can now apply for SBA’s working capital loans to help alleviate economic injury caused by the pandemic.
Private Resources
- Recover, Rebuild and Resilience: The 3Rs Program is dedicated to helping Black business owners grow and scale during the current pandemic and continued racial unrest. The goal is to help as many Black businesses as possible navigate the short-term uncertainty in the markets. Including $500K in grants rewards to be distributed. Apply through June 30, 2022.
- BGE, Maryland's largest electricity provider, is now accepting applications for their Small Business Grants Program. Eligible businesses located in BGE’s service area can apply for a $20,000 BGE Energizing Small Business Grant. This grant program is part of BGE’s comprehensive Customer Relief and Energy Infrastructure Investment Plan, designed to help the state’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. BGE Energizing Small Business Grants will prioritize companies operated by historically underrepresented groups that are pivoting their business in response to the pandemic. There are two windows to apply for this opportunity on February 14, 2022 - March 25, 2022, and July 18, 2022 - August 26, 2022. You can find out more here in English or Spanish.
Washington, DC
- Free Brief Legal Advice for Non-Profits & Small Business: DC Bar Pro Bono offers free 45 minute phone consultations.
Puerto Rico
- Kiva Small Business Loan: Kiva in PR has launched a new 0% interest loan product for small businesses impacted by Covid-19. Businesses can start repaying the loan 6 months after receiving the money. The life of the loan repayment is 36 months, which starts counting after the 6-month grace period.
Homeowner and Renter Resources
Washington, DC
- Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP): HPP supports eligible families (30% of Medium Family Income or below) to prevent episodes of homelessness through case management, mediation, financial assistance (including up to 4 months of rent arrears), and connection to housing resources. Families and individuals seeking access to homeless services may call the DC Shelter Hotline at (202) 399-7093 from 8 am-12 am, Monday-Sunday, or call 311 after hours.
- On April 7, 2020, DC Council passed emergency legislation creating a mandatory 90-day mortgage deferment program for residential and commercial mortgage holders who request one. Click here to read the FAQs and Guidance: Residential Mortgage and Commercial Mortgage Deferment Program
- Emergency Broadband Benefit Program: The EBB subsidy helps low-income households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic with up to $50/month for internet service for low-income households (HH) and a subsidy of up to $100 to participating internet service providers (ISPs) to offer a laptop, desktop or tablet for between $10-$50/HH. Learn more.
Utility Disconnections Prohibited: The COVID-19 Response Emergency Amendment Act of 2020 passed on March 17, 2020 prohibits electric, gas, and water from being disconnected for non-payment during the declared public health emergency.
Pepco is waiving new late fees and suspending service disconnections through at least May 1 and will be working with customers on a case-by-case basis to establish payment arrangements and identify energy assistance options. Customers who may be experiencing challenges paying their Pepco bill should contact Pepco Customer Care at (202) 833-7500.
The Utility Discount Program (UDP) assists low-income District residents reduce their utility costs. Eligible customers may receive a discount of up to $475 per year on their electric bill ($300 per year if non-electric heat). District residents can visit the Department of Energy and the Environment website at doee.dc.gov to apply online or calling 3-1-1 to schedule an in-person appointment.
The Greater Washington Urban League provides up to $500 in assistance to eligible customers facing disconnection. Customers can call 202-265-8200 or visit www.gwul.org.
Montgomery County:
- If you need help paying heating bills, you may qualify for the Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP). This program helps eligible families with the cost of heating. Payments are made to the fuel supplier and utility company on the customer’s behalf.
- If you are in danger of having your utility turned off, you may qualify for the Utility Service Protection Program (USPP). This program is available to ALL MEAP participants. This program provides access to an even monthly payment program and protection from service disconnection. Participation in this program also requires a year-round even monthly budget billing.
- If you need help paying electricity bills, you may qualify for the Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP). This program helps low-income electric customers pay their electric bills. Eligible customers receive help that pays a portion of their current electric bills. Customers who receive EUSP are placed on a budget billing plan with their electricity company.
- If you need help paying overdue bills, you may qualify for the Arrearage Retirement Assistance. This program helps customers with large, past due electric and gas bills. Eligible customers with a past due bill of $300 or greater may receive a grant amount up to $2000 once every seven years paid directly to their energy utility company.
- Landlord issues: When you sign a lease agreement, you are granted certain rights and protections under the lease agreement. Contact Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc at 1-800-487-6007 if you are having issues with your landlord. They can help you understand your rights and protections.
- Emergency Food Insecurity Response: A full list of resources as well as an interactive map of meal sites across the City for food-insecure residents.
Montgomery County:
- Virginia Mortgage Relief Program (VMRP): The VMRP is open to homeowners located in Virginia who have experienced a reduction in income or increase in living expenses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic that is causing financial hardship in meeting their housing costs. To see if you are eligible to apply, please visit www.VirginiaMortgageRelief.com for more information.
Job Opportunities
(A list of job opportunities from LEDC-supported small businesses)
- Colada Shop is currently hiring. Visit https://www.coladashop.com/careers to apply.
- FishScale has job openings for Advanced Prep Cook, Advanced Grill Cook, and Dishwasher. More info about these positions can be found here. Candidates should call or text 202-780-7886 or email [email protected].
- KSC Consultant Services is currently seeking two Structured Cabling Technicians/Installers to provide work in a commercial setting. To apply, please fax your resume to 240-389-1957. More info can be found here.