All Upcoming Events & Workshops

Thursday, September 04, 2025 at 04:00 PM


¿Le gustaría comprar vivienda dentro de la Ciudad de Baltimore, pero no sabe por donde empezar? 

Participe en esta charla virtual para aprender sobre:

  • El proceso de compra de vivienda 
  • El costo del proceso
  • Opciones de financiamiento y sus requisitos
  • Programas de asistencia para primeros compradores en la Ciudad de Baltimore 
  • Como consejería de vivienda le puede ayudar con su proceso 

Después de participar en la charla tendrá la oportunidad de programar una reunión para platicar sobre su crédito y finanzas o para prepararse para su compra. 


Baltimore City Zoom in Baltimore City, MD
Saturday, September 06, 2025 at 09:30 AM

Orientación Virtual Para Compradores de Vivienda en DC

Este taller es el primer paso para los residentes de DC interesados ​​en comprar su primera casa en el Distrito. La orientación explica el proceso de compra de vivienda y los programas de asistencia para compradores de vivienda por primera vez de DC, tales como: DC Open Doors, HPAP, EAHP y NEAP. En DC, el Programa de Asistencia para la Compra de Vivienda (HPAP) proporciona hasta $ 202,000 en asistencia para el pago inicial y $4,000 para los costos de cierre a los residentes de DC. Los asistentes pueden averiguar para qué programas califican y conocer los próximos pasos en el proceso de compra de vivienda.

Si está interesado en solicitar los programas HPAP, EAHP o NEAHP, primero debe tomar esta orientación para obtener una cita de consejería:


Zoom in Washington, DC
Saturday, September 06, 2025 at 12:30 PM

Virtual DC Homebuying Orientation

This workshop is the first step for DC Residents interested in purchasing their first home in the District. The orientation introduces the homebuying process and DC first-time homebuyer assistance programs, such as: DC Open Doors, HPAP, EAHP, and NEAP. In DC, the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) provides up to $202,000 in down payment and $4,000 for closing costs assistance to DC residents. Attendees can find out what programs they qualify for and learn about next steps in the homebuying process.

If you are interested in applying to the HPAP, EAHP, or NEAHP programs, you must first take this orientation to get a counseling appointment:


Zoom in Washington, DC
Tuesday, September 09, 2025 at 04:00 PM

Inclusionary Zoning Orientation

Virtual Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Orientation: Introduction to the IZ Program for buyers and renters in the District of Columbia

Interested in buying or renting a home but don’t know if you can?

This orientation provides an introduction to the IZ program that the District of Columbia designed for income eligible households to purchase or rent at below market prices in DC.  Inclusionary Zoning is a law that requires developers to set aside a certain number of units for low-to moderate- income households. Participants will receive their Inclusionary Zoning Certificate after successful completion of this 2 hour orientation and once attendance is confirmed. The IZ Certificate will be valid for 2 years and will give participants an opportunity to enter the Inclusionary Zoning Lottery or renew an existing certificate. 

If you connect 15 minutes late you will need to reschedule for the next class. Thank you!  


Wednesday, September 10, 2025 at 04:00 PM

INTRO TO HOMEBUYING - Montgomery and Prince George's County

Please register to take this class by filling out the intake form at the following link:

Ready to buy your first home in Maryland?

This virtual orientation via Zoom provides an introduction to the home buying process and MD's first-time homebuyer programs in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties. Programs offer financial assistance for closing and down payment costs depending on your income and the price of the house. Find out how much you can qualify for and the next steps in the home buying process. Take this FREE first step on the road to becoming an MD homeowner.

Zoom in Silver Spring, MD
Thursday, September 11, 2025 at 04:00 PM


Please register to take this class by filling out the intake form at the following link:

Ready to buy your first home in Baltimore City?

This virtual orientation via Zoom provides an introduction to the home buying process and MD's first-time homebuyer programs in Baltimore City. Programs offer financial assistance for closing and down payment costs depending on your income and the price of the house. Find out how much you can qualify for and the next steps in the home buying process. Take this FREE first step on the road to becoming an Baltimore City homeowner.

Baltimore City Zoom in Baltimore City, MD
Tuesday, September 16, 2025 at 03:00 PM

Orientación Sobre Zonificación Inclusiva

Este taller explica el Programa de Zonificación Inclusiva a personas interesadas en comprar o arrendar en el Distrito de Columbia. Esta orientación revela todos los detalles sobre el programa IZ que el Distrito de Columbia diseñó para que los hogares con ingresos elegibles puedan comprar o alquilar a precios inferiores al mercado en DC. La Zonificación Inclusiva es una ley que requiere que los desarrolladores reserven una cierta cantidad de unidades para hogares de ingresos bajos a moderados. Los participantes recibirán su Certificado de Zonificación Inclusiva después de completar esta orientación de 2 horas y una vez que se confirme la asistencia. Los Certificados IZ son válidos por 2 años y brindan a los participantes la oportunidad de ingresar a la Lotería de Zonificación Inclusiva o renovar un certificado existente.

Si se conecta 15 minutos tarde, deberá reprogramar para la próxima clase. ¡Gracias!

Zoom in Washington, DC
Tuesday, September 16, 2025 at 05:00 PM

6-hr Homebuyer Education Seminar: MoCo and PG Counties

To take this class please REGISTER by filling out the form at the following link:

Interested in buying your first home in MD?

This class is provided virtually via ZOOM in two parts:

Part 1: Tuesday, September 16th, 2025 - 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Part 2: Wednesday, September 17th, 2025 - 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

In these workshops, you will learn how to navigate the process of buying a home in Maryland, including areas such as Montgomery and Prince George's County, and how to get a good mortgage. You will also learn how your credit history, personal budget, and personal finances may affect your future success. LEDC invites different experts including a loan officer, home inspector, real estate agent, and insurance agent to explain the different areas of the home-buying process.

This class meets the requirements of government and lender programs that require first-time homebuyer training.

By registering for this class you agree to participate in both sessions. Your absence from one of the sessions will result in a rescheduling which will delay your eligibility to obtain the certificate that will allow you to qualify for special programs for first-time homebuyers.

The individual counseling session AFTER the class is a requirement to receive your homebuyer education certificate.

Thursday, September 18, 2025 at 10:00 AM

Virtual DC Homebuying Orientation

This workshop is the first step for DC Residents interested in purchasing their first home in the District. The orientation introduces the homebuying process and DC first-time homebuyer programs, such as: DC Open Doors, HPAP, EAHP, and NEAP. In DC, the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) provides up to $202,000 in down payment and $4,000 for closing costs assistance to DC residents. Attendees can find out what programs they qualify for and learn about next steps in the homebuying process.

If you are interested in applying to the HPAP, EAHP, or NEAHP programs, you must first take this orientation to get a counseling appointment:


Zoom in Washington, DC
Thursday, September 18, 2025 at 03:00 PM

Introducción Para Compradores de Vivienda en DC (Virtual)

Este taller es el primer paso para los residentes de DC interesados ​​en comprar su primera casa en el Distrito. La introducción explica el proceso de compra de vivienda y los programas de asistencia para compradores de vivienda por primera vez de DC, tales como: DC Open Doors, HPAP, EAHP y NEAP. En DC, el Programa de Asistencia para la Compra de Vivienda (HPAP) proporciona hasta $ 202,000 en asistencia para el pago inicial y $4,000 para los costos de cierre a los residentes de DC. Los asistentes pueden averiguar para qué programas califican y conocer los próximos pasos en el proceso de compra de vivienda.

Si está interesado en solicitar los programas HPAP, EAHP o NEAHP, primero debe tomar esta introducción para obtener una cita de consejería:


Zoom in Washington, DC